In the year to come, Touching Africa will spend an increased amount of time, expertise and resources within Touching Africa with the purpose of establishing teachers that are equipped to teach others about the basic principles of the Kingdom of God as part of our T5 program.
We are excited about our new teaching program that we are busy planning for the year ahead, called, “Touching through teaching the truth”, or short and sweet, as we call it, the T5 program! A fundamental point of reference from the Kingdom Conference’s feedback concerns TEACHING the TRUTH. Therefore, it was at the Kingdom Conference that the seed was planted for the T5 program to come into existence.
When Jesus started to travel throughout all the cities and villages, He taught in the synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the KINGDOM. Although He healed every disease and every illness, there was still something He saw in the crowds that drew His attention – They were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. According to Matthews 9:36, He was “deeply moved with compassion for them”!
This troubled and helpless multitude, sheep without a shepherd, is still amidst us, in our nation, in our cities, in our houses… all around us today! When Jesus saw this, He said: The harvest is large, but there are few workers to gather it in (Matthews 9:37). The Greek word for “helper” is ergatēs which means teacher. This means that we can only entertain the harvest process by having teachers in place in the KINGDOM of GOD.
If we are moved by the hopeless state of the people around us, if we have a dream to reap the harvest, if we have a dream to “touch Africa”, we have to invest in TEACHERS that have to be in place in the society. We need teachers with a KINGDOM perspective in order to teach the truth about God’s Kingdom!
Maybe it is only common-sense to do this once we read this story in Matthews 9. Perhaps it is indeed a prophetic understanding, but the more we are “deeply moved”, having compassion with the troubled and helpless masses of people around us, the more we will understand the value and need for teachers to be in place as “workers” to bring in the harvest!
We are excited about our new teaching program that we are busy planning for the year ahead, called, “Touching through teaching the truth”, or short and sweet, as we call it, the T5 program! A fundamental point of reference from the Kingdom Conference’s feedback concerns TEACHING the TRUTH. Therefore, it was at the Kingdom Conference that the seed was planted for the T5 program to come into existence.
When Jesus started to travel throughout all the cities and villages, He taught in the synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the KINGDOM. Although He healed every disease and every illness, there was still something He saw in the crowds that drew His attention – They were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. According to Matthews 9:36, He was “deeply moved with compassion for them”!
This troubled and helpless multitude, sheep without a shepherd, is still amidst us, in our nation, in our cities, in our houses… all around us today! When Jesus saw this, He said: The harvest is large, but there are few workers to gather it in (Matthews 9:37). The Greek word for “helper” is ergatēs which means teacher. This means that we can only entertain the harvest process by having teachers in place in the KINGDOM of GOD.
If we are moved by the hopeless state of the people around us, if we have a dream to reap the harvest, if we have a dream to “touch Africa”, we have to invest in TEACHERS that have to be in place in the society. We need teachers with a KINGDOM perspective in order to teach the truth about God’s Kingdom!
Maybe it is only common-sense to do this once we read this story in Matthews 9. Perhaps it is indeed a prophetic understanding, but the more we are “deeply moved”, having compassion with the troubled and helpless masses of people around us, the more we will understand the value and need for teachers to be in place as “workers” to bring in the harvest!
In the year to come, Touching Africa will spend an increased amount of time, expertise and resources within Touching Africa with the purpose of establishing teachers that are equipped to teach others about the basic principles of the Kingdom of God as part of our T5 program. We approaching harvest time when the seeds to be harvested increasingly resemble the character and stature of the seed that was sown in the lands during the planting season. The more we grow in maturity, the more we resemble Jesus Christ on a corporate level and the closer we move to harvest time!
It is time to get the teachers in the Kingdom of God into place!! This will be our focus for the time to come! Let’s do the “touching” through teaching the truth! Everyone who wants to participate in this program – please make contact with us so that we can team together and plan together!!