We received a lot of positive feedback about the speakers on the day of the conference. There were many requests to share their presentations to enable network members to chew on what they’ve heard. Moreover, for those who missed out on the conference, these presentations will give you a glimpse of what we experienced on that special day.
Introductory Sessions

1. Introduction
Simon Lerefolo kicked off the conference with an encouraging presentation of the innovation and creativity in our country

2. Our mandate as the body of Christ
Touching Africa visionary, Stephan Pretorius, elaborated on our call as the Body of Christ. He explained the significance of how a larger network, like TA, can achieve this.

3. The voice of Africa - Patrick Kuwana
Patrick Kuwana loves Africa and it was evident in the passionate way that he shared what he believes Africa is called to do.

4. Facing reality and hearing God
Not your average farmer, Hannes Pretorius, encouraged us to die to ourselves and live for God. He challenged us with the complete contrast that this living for God has in comparison to living in the world.
Co-operative Sessions

1. Introduction to the co-operatives
There are registered co-operatives within Touching Africa that are used to serve in projects.

2. The Education Co-operative
The Training & Education Co-operative presents a platform for coordination between various educational and training initiatives. Cobus Sipsma Shares the vision.

3. The Infrastructure Development Solutions Co-operative
Cobus Olivier led us in a discussion about the projects and vision of the IDS co-operative.

4. The Agricultural Co-operative
"We are called to be stewards!" These are the words that Hannes Pretorius challenges the agricultural sector to implement.

5. The Enterprise Development Co-operative
Creating Kingdom minded entrepreneurs (moving our country forward and improving economic growth to advance God’s purpose).

6. The Community and Social Development Co-operative
Piet Barnard and Saki Tlotleng explained the role of social development in our society.
Panel Discussion Sessions

1. Finovate
Partnering with business owners by providing professional services in taxation, accounting, company secretarial and business consulting.

2. Virtiply
The establishment of a new inclusive digital economy through the virtualisation of tangible assets into multiple investable, storable and transferable digital units

3. Touching Africa Membership
Tiaan shared more information of how you can become a part of Touching Africa. Be sure to also visit the "Membership" page on our website.

4. An Optimal Life
Consistently being fully who we are absolutely uniquely created to be … in relationship with God and with all people… to fully fulfil our role on God’s Team