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Providing water for Bakgatla

The Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela in Moruleng, is a community of about 350 000 people, living in 32 villages in the North West Province, near the Pilanesberg, South Africa.

This region is rich in natural beauty and mineral resources. The exploitation of these resources has resulted in the development of vibrant tourism, agricultural and mining industries. Unfortunately, these opportunities have mostly not translated into socio-economic benefits for the majority of the Bakgatla people. The Bakgatla community faces significant challenges such as unemployment, insufficient infrastructure, environmental degradation and a lack of economic opportunities. The Bakgatla Ba Kgafela Traditional Authority (BBKTA) is committed to addressing these challenges and promoting socio-economic development.

One of the most important aspects that will be addressed is the development of water infrastructure. Currently, the BBKTA suffers from limited water availability, which places significant constraints on residential, mining, agriculture and industrial development.

AGES Alpha has been appointed to develop the groundwater resources for Bakgatla Ba Kgafela. The first phase of this project has already been completed, which includes a pre-feasibility assessment and a baseline study. AGES is excited to continue this project to the benefit of all at Bakgatla. Having sufficient water will be a great leap in the socio-economic development of Bakgatla.

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