In early 2018, AGES and REDE (both partners in Touching Africa) became involved in the Ndebele Kingdom Development Programme through Mr Jacob Ngakane of the Tisella Investment Group.
Within this programme, various professional service providers are involved to assist the Kingship Council to develop and implement a sustainable development master plan.
Currently, the programme has two main streams – projects for the Ndebele Kingship Council, under His Excellency King Makosoke II, and projects for the Manala Mgibe Traditional Council, under the leadership of Chief Gwagwari II. There are more traditional authorities falling under the Ndebele Kingship to whom the programme can expand to.
The following services has been rendered and progress made to date:
Project management:
An initial pre-feasibility funding framework report for funding purposes was compiled listing all potential projects. Various management meetings and workshops have been held between the techncial team with H.E. King Makosoke II as well as Chief Gwagwari, Prince DJ Mabhena and the spokesperson Mr PJ Masilella. Partnership agreements has been proposed between the Kingship Council and the Local Municipalities and discussions are at an advanced stage between Manala Mgibe CPA and the Thembisile Hani Local Municipality.
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by the North West University and the Ndebele Kingship Council which captured the joint interest and established a long-term relationship for future cooperation.
Land ownership:
The Manala Mgibe Communal Property Association (CPA) as well as the Ndebele Kingship Council ownes numerous land parcels. We have compiled a spatial database with these land parcels for further prioritisation of residential/commercial/agricultural projects. A land audit is under way to identify land tenants and possible income for the traditional councils.
Groundwater, water and other infrastructure projects:
There is a huge potential to develop water and sanitation projects in the communities within the Ndebele jurisdiction, aligning funding of the local municipalities.
Housing projects:
There exist a need for the development of housing for the Ndebele communities. Field assessments were conducted and consulting input provided on strategic level.
Minerals and mines:
A desktop study was conducted in the study area and further alignment between the traditional authority and the Department of Mineral Resources is needed.
AGRI development support:
Regional land capability research was done for CREBUS in order to prioritse the implementation of agricultural/ wildlfe projects.
We believe that the hard work done over the past year will lead to opportunities for development in the rural communities of the Ndebele Kingdom. A next level of cooperation and integration is now required between traditional authorities, the private sector, government and academic institutions in order to unlock this potential leading to implementation to ultimately impact the Ndebele communities in a long-term and sustainable manner.