We have started a new initiative called “Giving to the Ecclesia” to enable us to help those in need on a short-term basis. This Touching Africa account will be used as the “pay it forward principal”.
Those in need may apply to access this fund to bridge their current financial situation and when their finances turn for the better, they can in return contribute back to this fund, so we can assist others in the same situation.
Any contributions given to this fund can benefit from a TA Article 18A tax deduction certificate, which can be used for tax deduction purposes at the end of a financial year.
The bank account details for any contributions is as follows:
TA Ecclesia Account
FNB 6236 7145 680
Branch: 250 655
Contact us for more detail:
Tiaan Liebenberg
– tliebenberg@touching-africa.com; +27 82 561 8836